Breath Better, Live Better - Your Dynamic Diaphragm Webinar
Join me for a one-hour online workshop via Zoom that delves into the world of the diaphragm and its harmonious relationship with its neighbouring abdominal organs.
Breathe Life into Your Knowledge
Immerse yourself in a captivating session where we'll unravel the mysteries of the diaphragm's anatomy and witness its dynamic interplay with the organs around it. Learn the art of harnessing your breath to its fullest potential and master a simple yet powerful upper abdominal massage technique.
Embrace the Power of Breath
Elevate your breathing experience through the magic of mindful massage. Feel an instant transformation as you unlock the true potential of your breath and experience the immediate benefits it brings.
This online webinar is hosted by the Irish Reflexology Institute. The event will be recorded for those who buy a ticket to watch at a later time.